Do STEPPERONLINE Orders Require Customs Clearance?
Usually, orders shipped from China require buyers to cooperate with logistics providers for customs clearance.
For example: American customers need to provide an EIN number or 5106 form, and European corporate customers need to provide an EORI number.
In addition, if any customs duties arise, customers need to pay them in time, otherwise the customs clearance process will be affected.
Some buyers do not have import rights. In this case, they can find an agent to provide information and clear customs.
If you have any questions or problems with customs clearance, please don't hesitate to contact STEPPERONLINE at any time.
For example: American customers need to provide an EIN number or 5106 form, and European corporate customers need to provide an EORI number.
In addition, if any customs duties arise, customers need to pay them in time, otherwise the customs clearance process will be affected.
Some buyers do not have import rights. In this case, they can find an agent to provide information and clear customs.
If you have any questions or problems with customs clearance, please don't hesitate to contact STEPPERONLINE at any time.
Updated on: 12/09/2023
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